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Here you can find some additional useful reading for the contact seminar.


Glossary of terms Key Action 2 - Strategic Partnership

This glossary of terms contains definitions of commonly used terms on Erasmus+ Key Action 2.


Digital Competence and Employability

Position paper on recognition of competences acquired through non-formal and informal learning. Telecentre Europe.

(December 2014) ht


Erasmus+ projects results -

This is a platform for dissemination and exploitation of Erasmus+ project results. Here you can find project information and results of all projects supported by the European Commission under the integrated Erasmus+ Programme for Education, Training, Youth and Sport, including KA2 strategical partnerships.


School Education Gateway -

This is a single point of entry for teachers, schools, experts and others in the school education field. It presents European education policy, news, trends, expert articles, national initiatives, actions for schools, areas for interaction, educational project best practices and additional resources. The School Education Gateway is linked to eTwinning, the community for schools in Europe. There is also a possibility to look for partner organisations in the school education field.



This is a multilingual open membership community for teachers, trainers, researchers, academics, policy makers and anyone else with a professional role in adult learning across Europe. There is a possibility to look for partner organisations in the adult education field.


DIGCOMP: A Framework for Developing and Understanding Digital Competence in Europe

Framework which is also useful for assessing digital competences of pupils


International Society for Technology in Education: ISTE NETS-T

Educational Technology Standards for Teachers

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